Monday, December 22, 2008


Last night I was a poker slut, as I am apt to be from time to time, and tonight you will find me donking with friends. . . and friends don't let friends donk alone. So join us, if your stuck in the snow, with no where to go. And don't use the excuse that the bankroll is low, for it's only $3.50 + .50, don't you know. There'll be lots of good friends, and lots of good cheer, so pull up a seat and grab you a beer.

Now I have been reading lots of blogs about people being stuck in lots of places due to extreme cold, snow, and general bad weather. I feel your pain. I can relate. It was so cold at my house on Friday, I had to turn the air conditioning up a couple a degrees. 78 degrees in the middle of December. Damn, that's tough weather, but somebody has to put up with it. I am gonna be a trooper, put out the stiff upper lip, and face this thing with stoic resolve, with my friends at the TFI and TFII.


BamBam said...

Great to see you out muhc! And as always, thanks for pimping our little stress reliever!

A very Merry christmas to you and yours.

OhCaptain said...

Merry Christmas!

Baywolfe said...

Merry Christmas muhc. Good seeing you at The Mookie last night.