Monday, December 8, 2008

Bounty Obtained

I have my bounty for the Saturday tourney, and I have lots of little knick-knack gifts for the friends I have made over the past year and even a few in anticipation of those I will meet when I get there. It is in the spirit of the event. The only thing left to do is get on the plane and go. So. . .Vmecca here I come. Every card player has to make the pilgrimage once in his life, and this is mine. This is really kind of wild on one end, I remember a time before the internet, a time before computers, a time before meeting all of these people would have been possible. I was speaking to another on line friend tonight. We both came to the conclusion that we are pretty lucky people, we bloggers. To my current friends, and my future friends, salude. Win lose or draw, you have again made me the luckiest man I know.

1 comment:

BamBam said...

Great to see you once again last night my friend, and great win too!!!

I'll say it again.
Have a blast this weekend! I know you will!