Thursday, December 4, 2008

Next Week

At this time next week, I like many other people a/k/a poker bloggers, will be in Vegas. I look forward to putting faces to friends that I either only know from reading their blogs or seeing them accross the table, or having talked to them on line. There is quite the variety of personalities out there. Me, I am basically along for the ride, and am enjoying every moment of it.

While I dont play or write particularly well, I do have fun. Every once in a while I string together enough cards to put together a decent enough run to keep my bankroll funded. Extreemly low stakes with the occassional step up into the next level, with varying degrees of success. As for my writing ability, well. . .I occassionally can say something humorous enough to bring a chuckle, or at least a smile. Even more rarely I can convey an idea that might actually have some meaning beyond the mundane sentence and word structure that occupies this space. I really try to stay away from blogging about any particular poker stratagy or hand as I feel like people should probably not talk about things they aren't qualified to. To be quite honest the on line game still leaves me cluless a lot of times, and my writing skills, well. . .no one is ever gonna pay me to put word to paper.

That being said, by simply attempting to participate in both of these activities over the last year I have received way more than I have given. I have had the pleasure to meet some nice people, interesting people, arrogant people, sweet people, cynical people, genuine people, assholes, reprobates, soldiers and saints over the last year of playing poker and trying to maintain this blog. Each one of them have their own special charm. And I look forward to meeting all and any of them of them next week.


BamBam said...

Have a blast!

So friggin' jealous !!!!!!!!!!!


OhCaptain said...

It will be great to finally meet you! Looking forward to Thursday!