Friday, October 3, 2008

Never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.

You know there are some things in life that just don't have to be said. . . .some rules that don't have to be written. Some one emailed me a whole list of such things and this was at the top. I guess there are times that a good night sleep can be a shitty experience!!

Now, I can say, because I followed this rule tonight, I was able to finish second in the Donkament to bdiddie. There are actually three things that I did which I can attest positively affected my play tonight:

1) I took no laxatives. and
2) I took no sleeping pills, and last but not least,
3) I listened to BuddyDank Radio

1 comment:

BamBam said...

What a "shitty" post!
Damn near fell asleep!

Is it Monday yet!
WoooOOOoooT !! IT IS !!!!!!