Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Well it is official. I have signed up for the Nanowrimo. Something, never in my wildest dreams, I never expected, aspired or intended to do. But, it looks interesting. No where in the rules does it say this has to be a legible, readable, or even stomachable piece of literature. I give literature a very liberal definition here. Punctuation, spelling, plot lines (what the F... is a plot line anyway) are beyond my comprehension, ability or intent. Not that these are bad things, mind you. They are merely literary devices that are better left for those properly adept and or trained to use them.

Now, I promise to write whatever gibberish that finds itself spewing from my fingertips via my keyboard until I can no longer spew. That may be 5 words, 50 words, 5,000 words, but I gotta be honest, if 50,000 words, or even anything close, come from me in thirty days, I'm gonna be shocked. And should you get the least bit curious enough to attempt to read something I type, do not think that just because I use sentences and paragraphs that one paragraph will necessarily have anything to do with the paragraph either proceeding or following. However, I do hope to be of some encouragement to my friend, the BigPirate.

1 comment:

Katitude said...

Yay! the world needs more crazy ppl!