Sunday, April 20, 2008


I want to thank Evy for a post she made the other day about attitude. We all want to win. We all want our pockets to hold up, our flopped straight to beat the position trips. It doesn't always happen. It's about making the right decisions, and first right decision (for me) is to have fun. Good runs, bad runs, in the end, it's really a problem of privilege. I have a few extra dollars that allow me to play the great game at varying levels, with varying talent. The blogger games bring a general amount of good cheer and friendly banter. I dont have the right to bitch about any particular play. No one ever forced me to make a bad play, or a bad call, but I have done it. And for every bad beat that I have taken, I have given at least one in return. I am not immune from the ups and downs. BUT there are times I find myself being the BUTT....Hopefully I will do that less.

I started this blog when I started playing on line poker again. I played back in 2003 and 2004 on Party Poker. While there were some very big swings, I was genuinely a break-even player. . . except for this: the hours I spent on line playing. I eventually could not justify it. I was spending too much time, as opposed to too much money. I hoped, in one element, to be able to monitor the time I was spending in getting back into this. I hope the blog gives me a chance to read and write about aspects other than particular play on a particular day.

I have played enough to know I am not the most patient, most strategically sound, most disciplined, best stack or bankroll manager all of the time. However, I am not bad at any of these particular aspect either. Mentally, I am much better at riding the ups and downs, and I feel like I am becoming a more fundamentally sound player. I can put together longer periods of good play than I ever have before. I am faster to walk away when I am not running well, and quicker to shake of a bad session.

Really, I think it is the blogger aspect that is making the most difference ( what I read, not what I write). To all of you ladies and gents who host the tourneys and write about your play and your attitude, thanks.


Evy said...

Thank you, it was very kind of you to say is really cool that something I said made an impact.

ps i used to live in columbia....go cocks!

BamBam said...

I finally found your blog !